Pushpabhishekam performed to His Holiness
Shrimatam Camp at Mylapore - 24 May 2015

Pushpabhishekam was performed to His Holiness Pujya Shri Jayendra Saraswathi Shankaracharya Swamigal by HH Pujya Shri Shankara Vijayendra Saraswathi Shankaracharya Swamigal amidst chanting of Vedas by the scholars at Shrimatam Camp in Mylapore, Chennai.



His Holiness Pujya Shri Periyava blessed the devotees with Anugraha Bhashanam. His Holiness first recalled His first visit to Sanskrit college where he accompanied His Guru Pujya Shri Chandrashekharendra Saraswathi Swamigal in procession from the Kasturi estates to Sanskrit College. His Holiness said that Veda Adhyayana should be performed without fail and said that Sri Kanchi Kamakoti Peetam has always been in forefront in the protection of Vedas.

Anugraha Bhashanam by His Holiness

Anugraha Bhashanam by His Holiness

His Holiness Shri Bala Periyava then gave His Anugraha Bhashanam. His Holiness started with a shloka of Shankara Bhagavatpada on Shiva ( Kapali). His Holiness said the Yajur Veda parayana went on well and blessed for a Sammelan of Sama Veda to be held shortly. His Holiness said that with Blessings of Sri Periyava, more people should take interest and support in protection of Vedas and in good deeds.

Anugraha Bhashanam by His Holiness

His Holiness Pujyashri Jayendra Saraswathi Shankaracharya Swamiji blessed all the vidwans who participated in the Yajur Veda Sammelan with Sambhavana, shawls and books.

Anugraha Bhashanam by His Holiness

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